Winter Squash Bisque with Pesto Croutons
Recipe for the week of March 3-7, 2025 Please Note: Ingredients and recipes are subject to change due to product availability and teacher’s discretion.
Servings Prep Time
6-8servings 25minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6-8servings 25minutes
Cook Time
For the Bisque
  • 2tablespoons butter
  • 1tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 yellow onionsdiced
  • 2cups pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 butternut squashdiced
  • 2 Carrotspeeled and diced
  • 3 celery stalksdiced
  • 3cups vegetable broth
  • 1teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/2teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2teaspoons Salt
  • 1/2teaspoon black pepper
  • 1cup heavy cream
For the Croutons
  • 3slices white breadcubed
  • 1/4cup buttermelted
  • 1/4cup olive oil
  • 1/2bunch fresh Italian flat leaf parsleychopped
  • 1tablespoon dried basil
  • 1/8cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4teaspoon Salt
For the Croutons
  1. Combine all the ingredients except for the bread cubes in a clear cup. Take an immersion blender and pulse everything together until the mixture looks like a paste.
  2. Combine the pesto and bread cubes in a large mixing bowl and toss everything together until the bread cubes are fully coated.
  3. Cook the coated bread cubes over medium heat in a non-stick pan until bread is fully toasted and crunchy.
For the Bisque
  1. Heat the butter and oil in a large pot. Add the onions and cook over medium – low heat for 10 minutes, or until translucent. Add the pumpkin puree, butternut squash, vegetable broth, salt, and pepper. Cover and simmer over medium – low heat for about 20 minutes, until the butternut squash is very tender.
  2. Immersion blend the mixture until smooth. Once blended, add the heavy cream, and heat slowly. Serve with croutons.